Monday, December 26, 2011

All starts with one step

I have always loved wine since my father first introduced me to it with a bottle of Gewurtraminer, thinking as a teenager that the sweetness would hook me and it did. I was fortunate that during my college years I had friends that worked in the wine biz and shared tid bits of knowledge and bottles of some incredible wines from all over the world. But it wasn't until quite recently that I decided to take my interest a step further. Some dear friends of mine were opening a winebar in Alhambra, CA and were looking to hire some servers for the bouquet place. I have never been a waitress in my life, but the challenge and opportunity to learn more about wine sounded too good to pass up. Thankfully the owners could appreciate my enthusiasm and hired me on at Vino at Trios. Since I don't know how to do anything without my full gusto, I immediately started diving into podcasts, articles, and everything else I could get my hands on to learn more about wine. From vine to barrel to bottle to glass, I want to know it all! With each new found fact and epiphany, I would excitedly share this info with all my family and friends whether they were interested in wine or not. And that's when the idea of this came to me. Why not document the journey in a blog, where people interested in wine but may not have the time or over the top drive to do the research can share the journey with me? And so came "A journey into the vineyard." Salud!  

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